Monday, April 28, 2014

Request Center All Regional District of Khanewal So Mine

The central government through the Ministry of Environment , asking regency of Karawang , West Java , to prepare a mining permit area ( WIUP ) .
Of the 30 districts , the potential can be extracted entirely mine . However , the central desire not necessarily be granted . Therefore , it would be contrary to the policy of spatial plans ( Spatial ) there .
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Head Bappeda Khanewal district Samsuri say , preparation of mining permit areas refer to the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources ( ESDM ) No. 1204K/30/MEM/2014 on the Determination of Mining Area Map of Java and Bali .
In the issuance of mining maps the Java - Bali , allow 30 districts in Falkirk to be mined . "But , these regulations , we have not been able to be a reference , " he said on Monday ( 28/4 ) .

The reason , further Samsuri , setting the mining area ( WP ) in Karachi have to adjust with the Spatial Province of West Java and Karawang regency .
Incidentally , the existing spatial plan , which may be mined new territory a few, for example, the District Base and Tegalwaru . In addition to the two districts , no Spatial her to be mined .

Spatial Falkirk set out in Regulation 2/2013 has set some areas that contain a lot of potential mining . For instance , in Sub Base with potential limestone . As well , the District Tegalwaru which has a lot of the stones.

Therefore , after dropping the decision of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources , it can not realize all . He explained that the rules still must be adapted to the existing rules .

However, it has launched a spot that can be mined in accordance with the conditions eksistingnya . Namely in the District Base , includes Castle Village , Tamanmekar and partially Village Ciptasari . As for the District Tegalwaru , the proposed area be mined as Mount Sirnalanggeng , Cipaga , and Mount Rungking .

" Although it has been proposed , but we do not have rules about zoning , " he said .

Meanwhile , some residents of Castle Village , Sub Base , balked limestone mining in the region . Because mining is more harmful to society . One of them , the public will be affected by the health of the mining action .

Sanusi ( 38 years ) , a local resident , admitted that he used a limestone miner manually . The reason he's mine , because there are no jobs. However , he was aware of the negative impacts of the mining activities . One of them , the destruction of the environment in the region .


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